Saturday 14 July 2012

The Skyrim Giant's Pets - Part 3

So that he could make sure the attacked mammoth was all right, Grugg put his new captive in the cage with pet number one. She squealed and covered with her hands the parts of her where she seemed to like being tickled most. She must be telling the new one, thought Grugg, 'these are my favourite places, touch me here.'

When he returned from checking on the mammoth, Grugg saw that his first pet had calmed down but was sitting in the corner of the cage timidly. The new one was making a lot of complex sounds towards her, that didn't mean a thing.

Now and then, Grugg would play with Pet Two. He found that if he tickled it in the right place, he could produce a reaction. But it didn't make the noises Pet One made, so it was not as much fun.

Grugg played with Pet One every day - Pet Two would make angry sounds at him, and soon Grugg noticed that when he grew bored and put One back in her cage, Two would put his arms around her and make quiet soothing sounds.

Just when he thought his pets couldn't get any funnier, Grugg returned to camp and found them in the strangest position together. In the following days, he discovered them holding or touching each other at all sorts of angles, and making rhythmic movements. At these times, Pet One was often making a lot of her little sounds.

Grugg shrugged his shoulders. It was weird, but what else did they have to do? Yet something in the back of his mind told Grugg that one day he might have more pets.

[Next time: A switch to the pets' point of view, including who they are.]

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