Sunday 15 July 2012

A State of Public Humiliation 7+8

A State of Public Humiliation - Part 7/17

Princess Annabeth returned naked to the palace trembling with fear, after her public exposure and the maid Carmilla's threats of serious corporal punishment or public molestation. All the threats had been sheer bluff, and had extracted a promise from the Princess that she would be Carmilla's personal slave.

Unfortunately for Carmilla, that part also turned out to be a bluff. Lady Wilhemina would not allow Carmilla to permanently dominate a girl of royal blood. "You've given her a good scare, as I asked you to" she said. "Leave it at that, and remember you're a servant, Carmilla."

"I know she gave you a hard beating with that hairbrush" Lady W continued. "But a lot of this is my fault. I shouldn't have made you take responsibility for her. The responsibility is mine. I should have kept an eye on her. I would have prevented that reckless bet between you, stopped her streaking, and not allowed her to spank you. I was very remiss and ought to be punished for my negligence."

Carmilla thought she was being invited to give one of her outrageous suggestions of extreme punishment that were never carried out. She paused a moment, then said "Your Ladyship should be hung upside-down between the market posts, so that the undersides of your breasts, as well as your nipples, can be whacked with leather straps for an hour."

"Thank you, Carmilla" said Lady W, noting this image for her bedtime contemplations. "But I meant real and reasonable punishments, for this and any future things I do wrong. Penalties that won't do me any lasting harm, but hurt more than I could possibly like. I've decided to put you in charge of them. To protect you from any retribution and to keep you within limits, I've made a written agreement. Here, look it over."

Carmilla read the contract:

"I, Lady Wilhemina Garron, Ruler of Fredonia, agree to submit to certain punishments as required and inflicted by my maid Carmilla. In addition to bondage in humiliating positions, these penalties may consist of corporal punishment with any instrument that does not cause bleeding, scarring or long-lasting bruises or welts.

"Corporal punishments shall not exceed ten minutes in duration, and shall not be ordered any more frequently than six hours apart.

"In all other respects, Carmilla will remain servant and subordinate to me, and is not to be regarded as my Mistress, nor I her slave or submissive. If Carmilla is insubordinate or derelict in her duties, she shall remain subject to the usual penalties."

Lady W said "I've tried to avoid any loopholes for you to exploit, Carmilla, although I know your mind is more ruthless and inventive than mine. I know you may have some surprises for me from time to time. But don't push it too far!"

"No, Your Ladyship". Carmilla's eyes were shining. "And to commence punishment for Your Ladyship's irresponsibility immediately, you will accompany me to the kitchen storeroom where I was spanked by Her Royal Highness."

"Are you going to use the same hairbrush on me?" asked Lady W as they went downstairs. "It won't be that easy for Your Ladyship" replied Carmilla. "There is a baker's oven spatula there, that will make an excellent wooden paddle. I believe Your Ladyship felt something like it during her punishment in the marketplace."

"Yes" said Lady W, and winced at what was coming. Soon her mature and spreading figure was chained naked to the ceiling rafters, her feet just off the ground. Carmilla took off her restricting white maid's blouse, so she could swing the spatula with all her strength.

The powerful aristocrat yelled continuously for ten minutes, as her bare bottom suffered a hard paddling from her keen and enthusiastic servant. When it was over, Lady W reached for her clothes.

Carmilla stopped her, saying "Your Ladyship will remain naked for the six-hour agreed period of punishment. According to the contract, only corporal disciplines are restricted to ten minutes. Of course, when the six hours are up, Your Ladyship is then eligible for a new punishment and therefore a renewed period of nudity."

Lady W sighed. It hadn't taken her devious maid long to spot the loophole. Carmilla generously said she would allow Lady W to get dressed to receive important dignitaries. "But Your Ladyship will pay for that privilege with particularly harsh corporal punishment afterwards", she added.

"All right, take my clothes to my chambers" grumbled Lady Wilhemina as she started to go back upstairs, nude and showing a severely reddened backside to all the servants.

"Yes, Your Ladyship" said Carmilla, and curtsied dutifully.

[The picture above was the last one I did using Blender software.]

A State of Public Humiliation - Part 8/17

[Contains my first picture made using DAZ Studio 4 and Victoria 5, instead of Blender and Makehuman. The Princess is now far more realistic. Lady W and Carmilla will change similarly in the episodes following.]

Princess Annabeth wondered why Carmilla wasn't following up the promise she had forced out of her - that she would be the maid's personal slave for the rest of her visit. Not knowing that her Aunt Wilhemina had vetoed the arrangement, she looked into the laws concerning Fredonia's public humiliation punishments. It was easy to find the information in Lady W's library.

There was nothing in the law to say that the victim of a crime was an exception to the 'hands-off' rule that applied to younger offenders - which applied to 19-year-old's like Annabeth. The Princess realised she had been duped. Carmilla had terrified her with threats of corporal punishments and molestations that couldn't really be done to her.

Besides a wish for revenge on Carmilla, her rage turned to a renewed desire to go streaking. The whole chain of events, indeed her irksome stay in this backward country, sprang from her wish to run nude - thus risking the possibility that strangers would see that she was not some 'superior royal being', but a young attractive female underneath.

One of the phrases hurled at her while she was spread-eagled for public display kept returning to her mind. A young man had said to his friend "It's pretty obvious, when you take off a Princess's panties you find the usual things underneath".

She realised that this was the essence of her exhibitionism - the most exciting moment was when she pulled down that last garment, baring herself fully for the run. She decided to prolong the moment by doing half her streak in her panties, taking them off at the furthest and most risky place, then running back without them.

The idea was so exciting, the Princess couldn't wait until dark. The road to the market square was out of the question in daylight, but there was a dirt track into farm country behind the palace. Clad only in the briefest white undergarment, bare nipples feeling the breeze, she started running across the green country.

Unfamiliar with the territory, Annabeth had no set destination but simply intended to run as far as she dared. The decision was made for her when she saw, outside a farmhouse in the distance ahead, one of Fredonia's guardsmen. She stopped, and with almost-orgasmic pleasure prepared to pull down her panties.

She imagined that someone else was doing it. That some farmhand perhaps had caught her and, as punishment and for his own pleasure, was stripping her of her only covering. She drew them slowly down to her ankles, taking her time despite the risk. Not wanting to have her hands encumbered by anything, she left the panties on the ground amongst the underbrush. When she looked up, the guard had spotted her and was jogging in his heavy armour towards her. She spun and began to run stark naked back to the palace.

When the guard reached the spot where he had seen the nude blonde, he saw a glimpse of white amongst the weeds and retrieved what he found there. When he reported with great delight and laughter to Shirrif Leclaire, his captain guessed exactly who the undies belonged to. Dutiful as ever, he passed the report on to Lady Wilhemina.

Blissfully unaware that her escapades had once again not gone unnoticed, Princess Annabeth determined that next time she would make fantasy reality - she would actually find some farm boy to pull down her panties and see what a Princess has underneath, close up.

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