Monday, 16 July 2012

Odds and Ends

When I hit 10K and 50K views on deviantART, I followed a tradition of making a picture to commemorate it. For 10K, I used the cast of "A State of Public Humiliation". For 50K, I used a background from "Ladies Spanking Club" and added Lady Salem, Natora and Pet One from later series.

This was the first creation of Isabelle's likeness, as a request from her husband ~boudartmoreau. The guy spanking her kinda looks like me. Kinda. :)

This was also a request, from user ~Wisky-08 who had a set of stories about a Star Trek orion girl (escaped slave) who has joined Starfleet. I only agreed to do one picture. She has set a trap for a half-Cardassian slaver who tried to recapture her. I had already done my own series about a Klingon-Orion halfcaste, which I will post soon.

What Women Dare - Streaks 9 to 12

Remember to click on the pics and/or use 'view image' in your browser to see these strips properly.

9-10. A two-part adventure, for higher corporal-punishment stakes. Ouch!

11. Another guest appearance from my "State of Public Humiliation" series. Pics featuring Princess Annabeth attracted the most hits and 'favourites' on devaintART than anything I'd done so far. Again, I thought one frame was worth a high-res picture.

12. The little city-state's guard captain comes off worst for once.

That was the last of the series.

What Women Dare - Streaks 5 to 8

5. Carmilla from my "State of Public Humiliation" series makes a guest appearance.

6. Isabelle is one of the most popular models on deviantART. She is the wife of user ~boudartmoreau, and like other 3d artists, I created a character to look like her, with her permission. I warned her that Leclaire might catch her in the act! :)

7. A chance to use some of the wierder options in Daz Studio 4's monster expansion.

8. In the very first paragraph of "A State of Public Humiliation" I told of the ill-feeling and jealousy betweed Ladies Salem and Wilhemina. Lady W finally gets a long-held wish.

What Women Dare - Streaks 1 to 4

Lady Salem leads a little club of Fredonian women inspired by Princess Annabeth (see "A State of Public Humiliation" series). They have become addicted to the adrenalin high from naked streaking and similar public exposure. They have filled a box with written dares, and take turns drawing one. The only restraint on the riskiness of dares is that you might draw one of your own! The box gets new ideas added to it constantly. If Shirrif Leclaire or his town guards catch them, he can use corporal punishment - with its severity determined by him according to how indecent their exposure was. Sometimes it happens, sometimes they get away with it.

With these comic-style pictures, it's definitely best to click on them and expand them to their full size.You might need your browser's 'view image' option so you can fill the screen and pan down.

1. Genevieve eludes the guardswoman and gets her clothes back on in time.

2. Brianna gets caught by Shirrif Leclaire (from the State of Public Humiliation). It is the group's first offence, and he is lenient this time.

3. The group's leader, Lady Salem, has to draw a dare from the box. It doesn't turn out well for her when the Shirrif picks a supple switch. I thought the last frame was worth re-rendering in higher resolution.

4.  Drusilla is unlucky, and draws a high-risk dare from the box. Leclaire is not impressed by her rudeness to the little country's Ruler.