Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Klingon-Orion Slavegirl 19-24

The last set.

That last pic has my Alfred Hitchcock appearance. No, the one on the LEFT.

Klingon-Orion Slavegirl 13-18

Transparency was hard to tune exactly right. And there's no avoiding the appearance of her butt-crack through her stomach. The 2 guys in frame 15 are not supposed to be the main characters of Enterprise, just the techies in the transporter room.

Klingon-Orion Slavegirl 7-12

The slavegirls really being in charge isn't my idea. It was revealed in an episode of 'Enterprise'.

Klingon-Orion Slavegirl 1-6

When this went up on deviantART, I also made a (scantily) clothed version for the Star Trek fangroups. This version is an alternative universe where the slavegirls don't wear clothes.