Sunday, 14 July 2013

Robert Heinlein's 'Stranger in a Strange Land'

25-year-old Michael Smith has been raised by powerful Martians. A nurse, Jill Boardman, is the first woman he has ever seen. She helps him escape from Earth authorities keeping him hidden, and gives him his first bath. Quotes from Heinlein follow:
Her blouse was wet to the shoulders from dragging Smith off the bottom; she took it off and hung it up. She had been dressed for the street and was wearing a little pediskirt that floated around her knees. She glanced down. Although the pleats were permanized, it was silly to get it wet. She shrugged and zipped it off; it left her in brassiere and panties.

Smith was staring with the interested eyes of a baby. Jill found herself blushing, which surprised her. She believed herself to be free of morbid modesty - she recalled suddenly that she had gone on her first bareskin swimming party at fifteen...

Presently Smith reached out and touched her right mammary gland. Jill drew back hastily. "Hey! None of that!"

He looked as if she had slapped him. "Not?" he said tragically.

"Not!" she agreed firmly, then looked at his face and added softly, "It's all right. Just don't distract me, I'm busy."


While Michael Smith, the man from Mars, is still being bathed by nurse Jill (see previous picture), government agents come to capture them. Quote from Heinlein's book:

Jill ducked past Berquist, threw herself at Johnson. He slapped her aside. "None of that, you little slut!"

Johnson did not hit Jill as hard as he used to hit his wife before she left him, not nearly as hard as he hit prisoners who were reluctant to talk. Until then Smith had shown no expression and had said nothing; he had simply let himself be forced along. He understood none of it and had tried to do nothing at all.

When he saw his water-brother struck by this other, he twisted, got free - and reached toward Johnson - and Johnson was gone.

Only blades of grass, straightening up where his big feet had been, showed that he had ever been there. Jill stared at the spot and felt that she might faint.

[Later, slow-motion filming shows that Michael 'pushes things away' into a fifth dimension.]

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